Prevention Tips and Other Helpful Information False Alarms - What causes them?
The #1 cause of false alarms is - User Error! To prevent this from happening, ensure that all persons having access to your home or business are properly trained in using your system. Some Other Causes of False Alarms Include...
- Doors and windows not completely closed or properly secured-
- Pets, plants, hanging objects, fans or heaters which can trigger motion sensors-
- Add or delete persons from your notification or authorization list
- Low or weak systems batteries-
- Alarm system test
- New employees
Why is it important to avoid FALSE ALARMS?
Produce false emergencies. The time it takes our emergency agencies to investigate a false alarm is time, which could have been devoted to responding to a real emergency. Can desensitize the responding personnel to the point of complacency towards the seriousness of your alarm. May reduce your confidence level, causing you to leave your security system unarmed at times, thereby exposing your property or business to undetected theft and vandalism.
Before you ACTIVATE your system, be sure to . . .
- Check that all protected doors and windows are secured-
- Check that any hanging objects, fans or heaters are clear of the motion sensor areas
- Be confident you can cancel the alarm should your system be accidentally activated
Other Precautionary Measures you can take . . .
- Regularly schedule appointments to have your alarm company check and service your system.
- Routine maintenance is a good prevention to false alarms.
- Notify your security company immediately if you suspect your system is not working properly.
- Make sure anyone who has access to your home or business is properly trained on how to use your security system and understands how it works.
How Should I Respond to a FALSE ALARM?
- First of all, remain calm so you can remember your keypad code and your personal identification code.
- Disarm your system, being careful to press each number of your keypad code slowly and deliberately.
- Once you have reset the system, have your personal identification code ready.
- Call the monitoring company to report the accidental activation.
- If you find the phone has disconnected, wait 30 seconds and try again.
- Your alarm system has temporarily turned off the phone while it is calling the monitoring company.
- It will release the lines upon its completion of communication.
- Continue to call every 30 seconds until you have reached the monitoring company.
- It is vital that you remain at your home or business until you have spoken with the monitoring company.
- Rehearse emergency drills with all persons working in your building.
- Be sure all persons with a key to your business know how to operate the system and know how to cancel an accidental activation of your alarm.
- Inform all users of who to call in the event of an alarm and to have their personal identification code ready.
- Keep your security system instruction book and the phone number for the monitoring company handy.
- Be sure to cancel immediately all alarms that do not require emergency response!